What To Do If Your Website Isn’t Mobile Friendly
Why is Mobile-Friendly Important?
While many still opt for traditional internet browsing methods from PCs or laptops, the growing volume of internet traffic originates from mobile phones and tablet devices. Increasingly, it’s becoming important to ensure that your websites are mobile-friendly to cater to potential customers on the go. Only insurance sites specifically looking to avoid new leads or stifle customer growth would maintain a non-mobile-friendly
website in the modern-day age of 24/7 connectivity. Even if you lack complex web development knowledge and experience, there are simple things you can do to ensure your insurance web design is conducive to browsing on handheld devices.
1. Simplify your content.
Paring down superfluous design elements such as javascript animations, mouse over elements or other graphic assets can help ensure your site displays at its best on a variety of cellular or tablet devices. This also ensures information about your products or services are front and center.
2. Outsource to the experts.
Insurance web design must give visitors a friendly, convenient way to find information, or submit personal contact information to turn a page passerby into coveted conversion. As much as possible, you should outsource the user experience development of your website to experts in this field. Web development professionals with portfolios including only insurance sites have comprehensive data on how to best organize your layout, navigation bars, and general information in a manner most conducive to producing new leads for your business.
3. Build a new, mobile-friendly site.
More so than ever before, website development has become an approachable and simple task requiring little to no advanced skills beyond clicking and dragging. Should you decide to build a website, many content management systems come with stylish, pre-built templates that you can browse through to find the design that best suits your needs. Many of these templates are also mobile responsive by default! They offer a convenient platform for your business to share your expertise and grow your audience.