How to Market a New Insurance Agency
Starting your insurance agent marketing is always challenging, but it is even more difficult for new insurance agents and agencies. The insurance market is more crowded than ever and standing out can make the difference between success and struggle.
How do you make your insurance agent’s website, social media, and advertising stand out? It all comes down to mastering a few marketing basics and using all the tools available to get ahead fast. Everything from website design to insurance agent marketing on social media plays a role in putting your agency ahead.
Here are the first steps you should take when marketing a new insurance agency.
What Is Your Ideal Target Market? 
The first step in any insurance agent marketing strategy is to identify your demographics.
Knowing who your demographics are is going to be the core of your marketing plan. Let’s unpack this complicated topic so that you can start your insurance agency marketing off to a strong start.
Target market is a marketing term that essentially means who you want your customers to be. Are you looking to mostly offer insurance products and services for business clients in a particular industry or are you hoping to connect with young professionals living in major cities? No matter who your ideal customers are, identifying their demographic is where all good marketing plans start.
This is also the best way to separate your brand from other insurance agencies. There are countless other companies already offering the products and services that you are bringing to the table, but you can stand out by reaching your clientele more effectively than the competition.
The Most Overlooked Tip In Insurance Agent Marketing
There’s one trick to insurance agency marketing that most new agents and agencies overlook. There are professional website design and marketing firms that specialize in marketing for insurance agencies.
These professionals are masters of their craft and know both marketing and the insurance industry inside and out. While it may be tempting to start your marketing using DIY tools or just starting from scratch yourself, this puts you behind the competition.
Letting a professional agency kick start your insurance agency marketing is the best way to get ahead of your competitors. Here are four key areas that you should have the pros set up for you.
Custom Insurance Agent Website
Your insurance agent website is going to become one of the most important assets in your marketing strategy. You can think about it this way: All of your insurance agency advertising will ultimately be pointing customers back to your website.
Your website design is going to be what makes or breaks future sales. A website that is responsive, modern, and in-line with your brand is going to connect much better than a website that falls short of those goals.
Your website is also the cornerstone of your SEO, social media, and other marketing assets. Will your potential customers find value in visiting your website or will they quickly give up and take their search elsewhere?
If there was ever a place to get help from the pros, it’s website design. A custom website design combines your unique branding with other marketing strategies like demographics analysis and SEO to create a powerful tool in your marketing toolbox.
SEO stands for search engine optimization. This is how search engines, like Google and Yahoo, know how to find particular websites and how to tell which websites are more useful than others. The goal is to have powerful and effective SEO so that your insurance agency website reaches the top of the Google search results.
It’s a well-established fact that most people don’t go beyond the first page of Google when searching the internet. You might have the best insurance services in the world, but if you’re on page 5 of the search results—your audience won’t be able to find you.
SEO comes in many forms. It includes using the right keywords, having a backlinking strategy for your website, and knowing how to refine your SEO over time. A professional marketing team can help you get started in the complicated world of SEO.
Social Media For Insurance Agents
Social Media is now the default way brands communicate with their clients. It’s both a powerful marketing tool and a communications platform all in one.
There are also plenty of options to pick from when it comes to social media sites. Everything from selecting the right social media websites to constructing effective social media posts is going to become a core aspect of your marketing campaign.
A professional marketing agency can help you decide which social media sites are right for your branding and help you come up with a strategy for effective and timely posting that will engage your audience. Oftentimes we have found that LinkedIn marketing can be the best social media platforms for insurance agents!
Leveraging Advertising
Another aspect of insurance agency marketing is paid advertising.
Paid advertising can be strategically used to boost your branding, but it has one major advantage that most insurance agencies aren’t using effectively.
Paid advertising is the best way to kick-start a new branding strategy. Whether you are onboarding new insurance agents or opening up a new agency, paid advertising can quickly put you at the top of search results while you build the organic presence necessary to sustain your place on the first page.
The Personal Touch
Make sure you are personally marketing your brand and company whenever possible. Customers can tell when you’re using stock templates. What sets apart great marketing strategies from generic ones is how much customers can feel your brand’s identity and voice.
Don’t be afraid to add a personal touch to your marketing strategies. This also helps with word of mouth.
Never Forget Word of Mouth
Word of mouth is a powerful aspect of insurance agent marketing.
If people are positively talking about your insurance agency, that’s the kind of marketing that just can’t be bought. Organically encouraging word-of-mouth advertising that positively shares the knowledge about your products and services is one of the best things you can cultivate as a brand.
There are ways that a professional marketing agency can help your insurance agents build positive word of mouth. You don’t have to go it alone and wait for this to organically build up over time.
Get Started With Your Insurance Agent Marketing
Whether you need a new website design or you’re looking to make the jump into paid advertising on social media, the marketing professionals at Insurance Websites can help.
They can create a compelling insurance agent website, help you refine your SEO, and guide you through building up that organic presence that separates the best insurance agencies from those on page 5 of the search results!