What Does a Customized SEO Plan Look Like for Insurance Agents
Important Steps for Developing a Customized SEO Plan
-What a Customized SEO Plan Looks Like
-Establish Your Current Position
-Perform Competitor Research and Keyword Research
-Develop a Content and Keyword Strategy
What is SEO?
The internet has redefined how customers — both prospective and current — learn about the products and services available from insurance agents. To maintain a competitive presence in this online landscape, firms must become familiar with how websites rank results through search engine optimization or SEO.
For agents, developing customized SEO for insurance agents becomes an essential part of enhancing their digital marketing presence. The goal is to create insurance SEO results that rank highly on search engine results pages (SERPs). Top-ranking SERPs give your agency greater visibility and increase the possibility that people will find your website.
A successful insurance agent SEO plan anticipates how people use their preferred search engine to locate information. Many users select one of the top results, assuming that the custom SEO algorithms used by sites such as Bing, Google, and Yahoo provide them with precisely what they want. Others who search for a particular business may go in a different direction if they do not have enough information to find the company. Companies without a vibrant internet presence also suffer. Insurance agents need a website, one with customized SEO that ranks them at or near the top.
Creating a successful insurance SEO experience involves more than overpopulating a webpage with keywords. You need to develop a customized SEO plan, understand your current position as well as that of your competitors, perform keyword research, and develop a content and keyword strategy. Read below to understand these steps.
What a Customized SEO Plan Looks Like
The best way to understand a customized SEO plan is to imagine a business plan with the purpose of ranking at or near the top of search results. Customers will find you more easily, and a greater number of business leads should come your way. In order to develop a successful insurance agent SEO plan, you must assume an active role and work with an industry leader in developing this process.
Although the exact steps necessary for your agency’s SEO plan may vary, common parts of a customized SEO plan include the following:
- Through auditing of current website content
- Learning how people presently find you through a keyword research tool
- Considering additional insurance SEO keywords to increase your rankings
- Revising, optimizing, and adding new content
- Regularly tracking website performance
- Acquiring SEO software, if necessary
- Comparing webpages that perform well with those that do not perform as expected
- Thinking about ways to get inbound traffic from other websites
- Monitoring your progress regularly
Search engine platforms pay a lot of attention to a website’s “authority.” This is a measure of how well your website describes the targeted products and services, and an improved SEO gives your sites a better sense of authority. In some cases, you may also want to consider pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to get higher rankings when certain keyword combinations are used.
Along with SEO, PPC is another tool you may want to incorporate.
As you review the steps above, remember that
t website aesthetics matter. Layout, formatting, and the way you present all of your information may help or hinder your ability to enhance your insurance agency’s SEO success. For example, long text blocks discourage readers. Using lists with hyperlinks is a great way to format content so you can direct your webpage visitors to the content that best meets their needs, and in a format, they can easily comprehend.
Back-End Factors of How SEO Works
Establish Your Current Position
As you audit your current website and learn how others find its presence, you will be able to get a better understanding of your current position. The goal is to achieve higher and improved results in SERPs. Ideally, you want your website to land in the top five results within your market, assuming a person searches for agencies within a specific geographic area. If your agency is buried deep in the lower pages, fewer people will take the time to look for it.
In addition to an understanding of where the website ranks, an important part of establishing your current position involves knowing how to develop an effective marketing strategy. In addition to your advertising and social media presence, your marketing strategy should also focus on generating an increased number of successful clicks.
Perform Competitor Research and Keyword Research
To maintain and build your customer base, you need your insurance agent SEO to stand out from your competitors. Customers want to know that their coverage is there when they need it, with an agent who is reliable and professional. If you do not find ways to differentiate yourself from others in your market, you may struggle to attract business from new customers. Competitor analysis involves more than just a quick browse of their internet presence.
If you have an already-established firm, you know your competition. You should examine their websites to see how they promote the insurance products available, how they personalize their approach, and what links they offer. The goal is not to copy them but to improve upon their approach, so you generate a higher custom SEO.
Beyond their websites, look at how your competitors market their products on other social media websites. Do they post frequently, do they generate traffic, or are their efforts misdirected?
Selecting your keywords involves more than placing your business name and “insurance agency” on a webpage. You should consider the relative importance of focusing on geographic SEO rankings within your specific market, the types of coverage your firm offers, and other demographic variables. While you might think that stuffing keywords onto a page will improve your insurance agent’s SEO ranking, a much better strategy involves creating content for the humans who read it, rather than the bots that scan it.
How to Pick Keywords for SEO Agents
Develop a Content and Keyword Strategy
Content on your website should work on a variety of browsers and devices, from desktops to smartphones. Customized SEO works best with informative, easy-to-navigate content that focuses on your customers’ needs. Create topic-based content suitable for your target audience. Consider the layout and keywords used on all pages, and evaluate how your social media presence affects SEO.
Search engines have improved to the point that they can detect “keyword stuffing,” the use of keywords in an attempt to improve the website’s rank rather than assist the reader. By developing a set of keywords that focus on your target areas, including them within a well-organized website, and using them organically in the text, you will improve your agency’s SEO.
Execute your Customized SEO plan
To develop a customized SEO plan, contact Insurance Websites to learn how we can help maximize your digital marketing plan through SEO.